Monday, March 31, 2014

high visibility equestrian wear

I've posted before about some some instances of civilians making funny errors with a niche market like equstrian and cycling sports. I found another one today with a company that makes reflective gear for activities like running and cycling. I think the products are actually really cool, but it's clear they are new to marketing their gear towards horse people: 

I had to google "spats" to see what they were going for.

And the "necklace" cracks me up.

But hey, great product, so check out Proviz for reflective gear for all your activities!

Friday, March 21, 2014

Fit-tastic! Friday Links (weird news edition)

Three links today, all weird, one completely unrelated to health and fitness:

#hotguysonthenyhalf -- Huffington Post

Courtney Love found the missing Malaysian plane! --

"Ugliest Runners' Feet" (click at your own risk...) -- Runner's World (Seriously. Only view if you're prepared for some really nasty blister shots.)

Friday, March 14, 2014

healthy green recipes for your St Patricks day weekend

I wish I had kids to help me get excited for holidays. I love how the little holidays like Valentine's Day or the 4th of July or St Patrick's Day can be a huge deal to kids. Instead of reaching for the green food dye for your Paddy's Day meal, check out these recipes:

Fresh Asparagus Soup from

image from here
Avocado Sauce to put on anything from Oh She Glows

Green Falafal from Food Wanderings

image from Food Wanderings
Green Mac n Cheese by Heather Christo

Popeyes Ice Cream from the Blendtec website

Friday, March 7, 2014

new shoe day is always a good day

Inaugural run with my new pair of Brooks PureConnects... and I already got them dirty.